
1820 James Street
Durham, NC 27707

(919) 419-1059


Triangle Residential Options for Substance Abusers


Founded in 1994, TROSA is a licensed and voluntary multi-year residential treatment program for individuals with substance use disorders. TROSA does not charge individuals for its services and you do not need insurance. TROSA provides essential daily needs (housing, meals, clothing, personal care items, transportation); life skills and vocational training; education, counseling and mentorship; and post-program support for graduates. TROSA is a peer-driven program and program participants (residents) enter our program to develop skills to achieve and sustain lasting recovery in order to live a productive and responsible life. TROSA is a modified therapeutic community that stresses personal responsibility, developing a network of peer support, and practicing daily behavior changes, all with the goal of achieving a better life.

At TROSA, residents set goals that are incorporated into individualized treatment plans. TROSA residents progress through program stages while receiving feedback from staff and peers.TROSA is thoughtfully designed so that residents in our program can learn and actively practice recovery on a daily basis in a variety of safe environments. This is done in community assignments, group activities, and everyday interactions with others. Services are provided by licensed and certified treatment professionals, program graduates, peer leaders, and trained peer support specialists.


24/7; Admissions Department is open Monday - Saturday 8AM - 5PM

Intake Process:

TROSA is a voluntary program and each TROSA applicant must complete our interview process. The interview process typically lasts around forty five minutes. Applicants can arrange a telephone interview and ask to speak to our Admissions department. All applicants must arrange their own transportation to and from our TROSA campus.

If the applicant is incarcerated, they should begin the interview process by writing a letter of interest and mail it to: TROSA Admissions Department, 1820 James Street, Durham NC 27707. After we receive the letter, we will send a screening form to the applicant. Once returned, our Admissions department will determine whether or not the applicant will be interviewed and will contact the applicant with the decision.

Program Fees:

TROSA does not charge participants for our residential treatment services, and individuals do not need insurance.


Must be 18+ years of age; must desire a two-year residential treatment program for substance use disorder. You must participate in a phone or in-person interview. Our admissions team will share our policies and procedures during your interview.

Handicap Accessible?


Is Shelter?


Employer ID:


Address Listings

Physical (Primary)

1820 James Street
Durham, NC 27707

Phone Numbers


(919) 419-1059


(919) 490-1930

Geography Served

    If a location is greyed out it means that only certain areas within it are covered. The areas with complete coverage are listed in black.

  • North Carolina
    Edit Service DetailsClick here to see this service (RX-8450.7000) and related services within the Service Tree.

    Special Notes/Funding

    In addition to our two-year residential treatment program, TROSA offers transitional housing and services for program graduates.


    Founded in 1994, TROSA is a licensed and voluntary multi-year residential treatment program for individuals with substance use disorders. TROSA does not charge individuals for its services and you do not need insurance. TROSA provides essential daily needs (housing, meals, clothing, personal care items, transportation); life skills and vocational training; education, counseling and mentorship; and post-program support for graduates. TROSA is a peer-driven program and program participants (residents) enter our program to develop skills to achieve and sustain lasting recovery in order to live a productive and responsible life. TROSA is a modified therapeutic community that stresses personal responsibility, developing a network of peer support, and practicing daily behavior changes–all with the goal of achieving a better life. At TROSA, residents set goals that are incorporated into individualized treatment plans. TROSA residents progress through program stages while receiving feedback from staff and peers. TROSA is thoughtfully designed so that residents in our program can learn and actively practice recovery on a daily basis in a variety of safe environments. This is done in community assignments, group activities, and everyday interactions with others. Services are provided by licensed and certified treatment professionals, program graduates, peer leaders, and trained peer support specialists.


    24/7 transitional residential services for graduates of our treatment program. Our Continuing Care and Admissions departments are open Monday through Saturday 8am - 5pm.

    Intake Procedure

    Our transitional housing is available for graduates of our two-year treatment program.

    Geography Served

      If a location is greyed out it means that only certain areas within it are covered. The areas with complete coverage are listed in black.

    • North Carolina
      Edit Service DetailsClick here to see this service (RX-8500) and related services within the Service Tree.

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