Substance Use and Mental Health

Viewing 1-10 of 503 results (listed by best match)

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4c Integrated Health services

Services offered: Substance Abuse / Mental Health Counseling / SACOT & SAIOP Group Sessions, Respite Care, Nurse Care, In Home Aide Services,

Services: Comprehensive Outpatient Substance Use Disorder Treatment, Mental Health Support Services, Substance Use Disorder Day Treatment

Able Counseling and Assessment Services

At ABLE Counseling and Assessment Services we are dedicated to assisting clients in reaching their treatment goals.

Services: Anger Management, DUI Offender Programs

7125 Eastway Drive

Suite 215

Charlotte, NC 28205

(704) 568-1122

Absolute Advocacy - Charlotte

Chances are you've been riding along a rough road.

Services: Comprehensive Outpatient Substance Use Disorder Treatment, DUI Offender Programs

1923 J.N. Pease Place, Suite 104

Charlotte, NC 28262

(704) 215-4095

Absolute Advocacy - Concord

Chances are you've been riding along a rough road.

Services: Comprehensive Outpatient Substance Use Disorder Treatment, DUI Offender Programs

51 Union Street South

Concord, NC 28025

(704) 215-4095

A Caring Alternative, LLC

Day Treatment for Drug and Alcohol Use Dosorders

Services: Alcohol Use Disorder Day Treatment, Drug Use Disorder Day Treatment

(828) 686-7734

Ace Recovery

"We are a therapeutic recovery community that empowers residents to better manage their emotions and behaviors.

Services: Residential Substance Use Disorder Treatment Facilities

1477 Ted Melton

Chesterfield, SC 29709

(866) 709-6988

ADATC - Julian F. Keith

Inpatient treatment, psychiatric stabilization and medical detoxification.

Services: Detoxification, Inpatient Mental Health Facilities, Inpatient Substance Use Disorder Treatment Facilities

201 Tabernacle Rd.

Black Mountain, NC 28711

(828) 257-6200

ADATC - Walter B. Jones

Inpatient treatment, psychiatric stabilization and medical detoxification Maximum stay is 10 No insurance and Medicaid Accepts people with sex offense on his/her record

Services: Detoxification, Inpatient Mental Health Facilities, Inpatient Substance Use Disorder Treatment Facilities

2577 W. Fifth St.

Greenville, NC 27834

(252) 707-5009

ADATC - Walter B. Jones- PERINATAL

Inpatient treatment, psychiatric stabilization and medical detox No insurance and Medicaid

Services: Inpatient Substance Use Disorder Treatment Facilities, Perinatal Substance Use Disorder Treatment

2577 W. Fifth St.

Greenville, NC 27834

(252) 707-5009

ADCNC - NC National Guard Voucher Program

This program serves NC National Guard members with access to no-cost assessments and appropriate referrals to support services across NC for alcohol/drug misuse.

Services: Substance Use Disorder Education/Prevention, Veteran/Military Hotlines

(919) 909-1317

Viewing 1-10 of 503 results (listed by best match)
